Ильхам Алиев принял участие в открытии Центра молодежи в столичном поселке Бакиханов (+ФОТО)
Ильхам Алиев ознакомился с выставкой, посвященной 90-летнему юбилею народного художника Таира Салахова (+ФОТО)
Ильхам Алиев посетил могилу общенационального лидера Гейдара Алиева (+ФОТО)
Ильхам Алиев побывал в N-ской воинской части Сил специального назначения Министерства обороны (+ФОТО)
Первый вице-президент Азербайджана, президент Фонда Гейдара Алиева Мехрибан Алиева встретилась с военными, обеспеченными высокотехнологичными протезами (+ФОТО-ВИДЕО)
Ильхам Алиев посетил могилу общенационального лидера Гейдара Алиева (+ФОТО)
Ильхам Алиев ознакомился с проделанной и предстоящей работой в «Баку Белом городе» (+ФОТО)
Chairman of the Bar Associationof Azerbaijan Anar Baghirov met with members of AmCham (+FOTO)
29 yanvar 2019 - 16:06

The American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan (AmCham Azerbaijan) organized its monthly members’ luncheon. Its Guest Speaker –Mr. Anar Baghirov, Chairman of the Bar Association of the Republic of Azerbaijan – delivereda speech onthe priorities of the Bar Association’s activities and its importance for maintaining the honor of the profession of law as well as the administration of justice in the country. In addition, the Luncheon featured several member presentations.Around 100 AmCham members and partners attended the event, including representatives of diplomatic corps.


Mr. Baghirov started his speech with the overview ofthe Decree “On additional measures aimed at the development of the profession of law” adopted by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 22ndFebruary2018. He particularly stressed upon its importance for supporting the profession of law in Azerbaijan as well as advance and transformation of the judicial system in the country as a whole. He referred to the best world practicesdemonstrating that strong barassociations play an important role for advocating the access of citizens to high-quality legal aid, effective protection of human rights and freedoms and improving the effectiveness of the national justice system. In this respect, Mr. Baghirov touched upon the adoption of other relatedAzerbaijani lawsand regulations in this field.


Speaking on the major directions of the Azerbaijani Bar Association’s activities, he mentionedrecent signing of a Memorandum on the establishment of new law-enforcement agencies associated with the establishment of ASAN service centers. He also spoke onthe close cooperation between the Association and bar associations in different countries and international organizations, and at the same timeexpansion of the Association’s activities throughout the country with the visits to various regions and providing pro bono legal aid to the population. Mr. Baghirov reiterated his confidence that the measures undertaken in the field of supporting the profession of law in Azerbaijan will continue at a steady pace.


AmCham Azerbaijan Members’ Luncheons are organized monthly by the Chamber and feature participation of high ranked government officials, members of parliament and representatives of diplomatic corps.The American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan (AmCham Azerbaijan) is a leading private, non-profit business association supporting and promoting the interests of foreign and local businesses in Azerbaijan. Established in 1996, the Chamber is composed of over 280 Members and Associates active in every sector of the Azerbaijani economy. AmCham Azerbaijan represents nearly 80% of all foreign investment, as well as a significant portion of local investment, in Azerbaijan.

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